P a u l    B o u r k e


paulbourke.net+61 (0)433338325paul.bourke@gmail.comFBSketchfabYouTubeVimeoShapeways

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Table of contents

Index     Paul Bourke - Personal Pages
       dome     Domes, Planetariums, Fisheye, Spherical mirror
             slicer     Image slicing for fulldome (and other applications)
             parametricfishwarp     Tools for Spherical Mirror Projection (Parametric)
             Amateras     Amateras: movie playback for dome systems
             dualfish2sphere     Converting dual fisheye images into a spherical (equirectangular) projection
             scarlet     Red Scarlet and fisheye lens tests
             panodome     Interactive Dome Projection of Panoramic Images
             skysafari     SkySafari and dome projection
             seeker     Software Bisque and spherical mirror projection: A review
             quadfisheye     Quad fisheye mapping to a 360 panorama
             WanmannaStellarium     Stellarium landscape from Wanmanna
             whywarp     Why warp?
             mandurah     Exhibition: Dome installation, Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
             Wollongong     Wollongong Science Centre iDome Exhibit
             gh5_sigma     Panasonic Lumix GH5 and Sigma 4.5mm fisheye
             cameras     Testing various fisheye capture options
             extremefisheye     Extreme fisheye
             cube2fish     cube2dome - cubic maps to fisheye converter
             image2fish     Image panels on a fisheye image
             fisheyetypes     Classification of fisheye lenses
             mirrorrender     Direct rendering of warped fisheye views for spherical mirror projection
             faq     FAQ: Spherical mirror projection for hemispherical dome projection
             2fish     Mapping equirectangular, panorama and perspective into a fisheye
             8K     Experiences with my first 8K fulldome production pipeline
             mars32     Mars, renderings from the 1/32 degree dataset
             Drishti     Fulldome content creation with Drishti
             UnityiDome     Using the Unity game engine in the iDome
             hershfield     Rendering molecules for immersive environments
             fish2skyplane     Fisheye image to a sky plane (fish2skyplane)
             fish2     Converting a fisheye image to panoramic, spherical and perspective projection
             iDome     iDome images
             wwt     World Wide Telescope: fisheye and spherical mirror projection
             mirrorbox     Room projection using spherical mirror
             astc2005     ASTC 2005 Annual Conference, Fulldome Video Showcase
             ladybug     Dome video capture using the LadyBug cameras
             testpattern     Digital fulldome test pattern
             unityfisheye     Creating fisheye image sequences with Unity3D
             fisheyecorrect     Fisheye lens correction
             distortion     Distortion, incorrect and correct usage of the word
             unity3d     Creating fisheye views with the Unity3D engine
             astc2006     ASTC 2006 Annual Conference, Fulldome Video Showcase
             aps2005     APS presentation, Auckland, August 2005
             domeinstall     Dome Installations
             ozviz2004     Dome projection: Ozviz 2004
             meshmapper     meshmapper
             iJiao     Exhibition: iJiao
             domegeom     Geometric distortion for dome (fisheye) projection
             astc2007     ASTC 2007 Annual Conference, Fulldome Video Showcase
             mv2009     Volume visualisation under the Dome
             warpplayer     warpplayer: QuickTime movie player with realtime warping and navigation
             solar4dome     Fisheye solar system simulator
             fishtilt     Fisheye tilting
             tilted     Tilting image in the iDome
             tgawarp     tgawarp
             domelab     DomeLab technical documentation
             isphere     iSphere
             squarefisheye     Square fisheye
             EarthDesk4Dome     EarthDesk in a Dome
             warpingfisheye     Fisheye warping for spherical mirror fulldome projection
             fisheyewarp     Image warping for offaxis fisheye lens/projectors
             greatbarrierreef     Treasures of the Great Barrier Reef
             fish2pannini     Fisheye to Pannini projections
             offaxisfisheyeprojection     Dome Projection and Calibration for Offaxis Fisheye Lenses
             screencapture     Screen Capture for warping using the spherical mirror
             stellarium     Stellarium and NightShade
             magicplanet     MagicPlanet Display
             fisheye     Computer Generated Angular Fisheye Projections
             fishwarp     Tools for Spherical Mirror Projection
             simpleshowcontroller     Simple show controllers based upon Quartz Composer
             warppatch     Warp Patch for Quartz Composer
             HK2013     Exhibition: CityU
             3projdome     Three projector dome simulation
             spheremapper     Sphere mapper
             horizon     Digital Visualisation in the Dome
             Doha     Exhibition: Innovation showcase at the 2013 WISH (World Innovation Summit for Health) forum.
             dometexture     Interactive fisheye image generation
             sketchup2idome     Sketchup to iDome
             astc2008     ASTC 2008 Annual Conference, Fulldome Video Showcase
             Dark     Dark
             BlenderiDome     Blender games in the iDome
             Ngintaka     Exhibition: Ngintaka South Australia Museum
             EON     EON - Eye of Nagaur
             VLCwarp     Movie warping software
             vuo     Vuo as a playback solution for domes
             mirrordome     Dome projection on a budget (MirrorDome)
             PEB     Plant Energy Biology
             skyvision     Creating fisheye images for SkySkan content
             Wii     Wii + MacBook Pro + Dome
             cameracalibration     Manual camera calibration for fisheye image projection
       dataformats     Data Formats: 3D, Audio, Image
             step     STEP interchange format
             infini     Infini3D internal format
             cdf     Cyberspace Description Format (CDF)
             psdpsb     Adobe Photoshop PSD and PSB File Formats
             holter     Holter ECG .dat files
             egdr     MOLA Experiment Gridded Data Record
             urt     URT image format
             laz     The LAS and LAZ file format
             obj2vox     Voxelizing mesh data: OBJ to voxels
             qd3dformat     Generating QuickDraw 3D meta files
             asciiart     Character representation of grey scale images
             tri     Tri file format
             txm     TXM file format from Xradia
             field     AVS Field Data
             tachyon     Tachyon file format
             vol     .vol format description
             irit     IRIT format
             softimagepic     Softimage pic converter
             vrml1     VRML 1.0C Specification
             spacemouse     Decoding data from the Magellan Space Mouse
             vla     Digistar II VLA file format
             tet     tet format
             unreal     Unreal File Format
             hpgl     HPGL
             moviebyu     MovieBYU format
             dng     DNG format
             ptx     ptx plain text data format
             gridconventions     Grid indexing conventions
             nv12     NV12 yuv pixel format
             obj     Object Files (.obj)
             eeg     Various EEG file formats and Conventions
             npy     npy array format
             tiff     TIFF image generation
             hdf     HDF tools
             tin     TIN
             mme     mme file format
             glf     GLF 3D font specification
             citydesign     Compressed Mesh Macro File: Design Guide
             FFIVW     A File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds
             scene     SCENE format
             directx     Direct-X format
             rib     RIB (RenderMan Interface Bytestream)
             pvm     PVM File Format Specification
             mol2     Tripos Mol2 Molecule File Format
             meshwarp     Mesh format for image warping
             mi     MI format
             yaodl     YAODL format (for SGI PowerFlip)
             geom     Geom Format
             vmd     VMD format by Michael Granz
             dmo     DMO file format
             vwf     vwf - Vioso warp/blend data
             3d2     3d2 format (Stereo CAD-3D 2.0)
             sgs     Isqua Istari » Stadtplan-Dateien (*.sgs) Map File Format
             mdl     The MDL File Format
             tddd     FORM TDDD
             3ds     3d2 format
             oogl     OOGL file format
             e57     E57 file format
             macpersp     MacPerspective translator
             compress     Delta coding for audio compression
             postscript     PostScript Tutorial
             surf     Surf format (3D-XplorMath)
             phd     PolyHedral Database (PHD)
             pvl     PVL (Processed VoLume) file format
             kro     KRO format
             q3o     Quick3D Object FIle
             tm     TM geometry format
             geo     Videoscape GEO file format
             slc     SLC format
             wld     WLD - WorldBuilder file format
             collada     Collada
             yuv     Video camera formats: yuv411, yuv422
             ppm     PPM/PGM/PBM image files
             msdl     MSDL - Manchester Scene Description Language
             vef     VEF - Vertex - Edge - Face format
             u3d     u3d
             poly     Polygon data files
             tp     TP - TecPlot ascii format
             povraw     POV-Ray RAW triangle format
             avs_x     AVS image format
             nrrd     Nearly Raw Raster Data format
             ply     PLY - Polygon File Format
             gdf     WAMIT gdf 3D format
             mtv     MTV format
             hershey     Hershey Vector Font
             rayshade     RayShade file formats
             hyperfun     Geometric Modelling Language HyperFun
             off     OFF file format
             iges     IGES
             ktx     KTX File Format
             ldt     ldt EULUMDAT File Format
             whip     DWF format
             connectors     Connectors
             vrinterchange     A File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds
             bmf_2     FleetFeet, Fleet Feet, Volumental BMF file format
             vision3d     Vision3D text file format
             ms3d     MilkShape 3D
             svs     SVS image files
             asc     ASC
             audio     Audio File Formats
             dimensions     Image dimensions
             cinema4d     Cinema 4D
             dxf     DXF revision 12
             sdml     Spatial Data Modelling Language
             vox     vox file format
             pbmhdr     Unofficial PBM format for HDR images, PFM (Portable Float Map)
             sgirgb     SGI RGB Image Format
             usd     usd - Universal Scene Description
             plg     PLG, FIG, WLD File Formats
             arcinfoasc     ArcInfo ascii file format
             pdb     PDB Contents Guide, Ver.2.1 (draft)
             glTF     glTF - GL Transmission Format
             rotater     Rotater
             ascii     ASCII codes, Latin character set, ANSI Standard (X3.64) Control Sequences,
             super3d     Super3D Text Export Format
             cube     Gaussian Cube File Format
             edf     EDF and EDF+ files
             ac3d     AC3D File Format
             vips     The VIPS file format
             lightwave     Lightwave 3D Object File Format
             pic     Radiance HDR (.pic, .hdr) file format
             polyray     Polyray v1.7
             hyperchem     HIV Molecule Format
             xyz     XYZ Molecule Format
             prt     PRT format
             scn     SCN ray-tracing format
             nii     nii (NIFTI1 data format)
             fbx     FBX
             sjt     sjt SiroVision 3D image format
             wrm     WRM Entity Flight Specification
             gif     Graphics Interchange Format - GIF
             tga     TGA format specification
             vivid     VIVID 2.0 format
             ase     ASE
             alc     ALCHEMY 2000
             sat     SAT file format
             volumetric     Volumetric data format
             bitmaps     A Beginners Guide to Bitmaps
             rad     The RADIANCE 3.1 Synthetic Imaging System
             pts     pts - Laser scan plain data format
             edan     EDAN SE-2012 Holter recorder files
             shp     ERSI Shapefile
             gocad     GOCAD ascii data format
             inventor     How to Write an IRIS Inventor File Translator
             yasrt     YASRT RayTracer Documentation
             stl     STL
             reading     Byte swapping and binary files
             ilda     ILDA - International Laser Display Association
             bmp     BMP files
             bmf_1     BMF file format
             mtl     MTL OBJ materials file
             fact     FACT format
             nuages     NUAGES slice format
       papers     Papers, Articles, Seminars, Workshops
             games2009     Immersive Gaming: The challenge
             plrev2020     Combining Inter-areal, Mesoscopic, and Neurodynamic Models of Cortical Function
             aps2009     APS presentation, Mt Cook, May 2009
             Derek2011     A Practical Visualization Strategy for Large-Scale Supernovae CFD Simulations
             neuralfield     Neural Field Dynamics and the Evolution of the Cerebral Cortex
             AESWA     Volume Visualisation of Egyptian Mummies.
             annual98     Science creates Art
             sigasia2012     Personal hilights from Siggraph Asia 2012
             uwa2009     Serious Gaming: Second Life
             HIVE     Content Creation for Dome Displays
             fcn2023     The mesoanatomy of the cortex, minimization of free energy, and generative cognition
             ivec2010     Science Visualisation: 2010 Intern student presentation
             dendrite     Dendrite-like Self-assembly of Magnetite Nanoparticles on Porous Silicon
             woll2009     Science Visualisation and Engaging Display Technologies.
             DLABreast     A diffusion-limited-aggregation (DLA) model of human breast lobe growth
             applevision     Apple technology powering displays that engage the human visual system
             comm2205     Science Visualisation
             qwViz     qwViz: visualisation of quantum walks on graphs
             cgat2013     Space Filling: A new algorithm for procedural creation of game assets
             LawrenceWilson2017     Exhibition: Batavia : Giving Voice to the Voiceless
             commhealth     An Analysis of the Seasonal Variation of Coronary Heart Disease and Respiratory Disease Mortality in New Zealand
             blender09     Presentation slides by Dalai Felinto at the First Argentina Blender Conference
             HET782_2002     Slides for HET782
             aps2008b     APS2008, upright dome workshop
             cgat09b     iDome: Immersive gaming with the Unity game engine
             photography     Photography for the future tourist
             OzViz_2008     OzViz 2008 Visualisation Showreel
             graphite2005     Using a spherical mirror for projection into immersive environments
             curtin_cs     Displays that exploit the human visual system
             eresearch2012     Novel image/video capture, Application snapshot
             kuching2011     Square Kilometer Array: The worlds most powerful radio telescope.
             siggraph2007     Novel Projection Environments
             marcus2016     Different Visual Stimuli Affect Body Reorientation Strategies During Sidestepping
             ecu360     Introduction to 360 video
             eresearch2013     Textured 3D models derived automatically from photographs
             OzViz_2009     OzViz 2009 Visualisation Showreel
             OzViz_2011     OzViz 2011 Image exhibition
             isvri2011     Advanced Applications in Stereographic, Panoramic, and Fulldome Visualisation.
             OzViz2017     OzViz 2017: 3D model and photographic capture: applications in heritage visualisation
             blender10     Blender and Immersive Gaming in a Hemispherical Dome
             marcus2018     Different visual stimuli affect muscle activation at the knee during sidestepping.
             revpersp     Reverse Perspective
             pasa2003     A distributed-data implementation of the perspective shear-warp volume rendering algorithm for visualisation of large as
             stereo2010     Stereoscopic 3D technology: history, principles, and limitations.
             intern2012     The Diversity of Visualisation: Selected visualisation projects from 2011
             jcn2016     Further Work on the Shaping of Cortical Development and Function by Synchrony and Metabolic Competition
             intern2012b     Introduction to Visualisation
             HET409_2000     Supercomputing and Multimedia
             GSTF_2     A Framework for Supporting Immersion in Commodity Gaming
             OzViz2015     OzViz 2015: Glasses free - Survey and future prospects
             cg2008     Evaluating Second Life for the Collaborative Exploration of 3D Fractals.
             cgat09     Omni-directional Stereoscopic Fisheye Images for Immersive Hemispherical Dome Environments
             aaa2015b     A Methodological Case Study of High
             Brendan2011     Evasive sidestepping as a visual-perceptual-motor skill: implications for anterior cruciate ligament injury prevention.
             waves2007     Cortical Waves and the Development of Cortical Anatomy
             ivec_sept2012     Pacific Graphics Conference & Indigeneous Heritage Site Recording.
             ecu2014b     Automated 3D model reconstruction from photographs
             eresearch2009     eResearch Australasia Visualisation Challenge 2009
             simfest     Contributions to the Simulations Fest
             domelab2015     UNSW DomeLab workshop
             helnet     Global and local similarity of the primary visual cortex
             joc2013     A space filling algorithm for generating procedural geometry and texture
             SG11     Siggraph Asia 2011: Personal summary
             kuching2007     Scientific Visualisation for Astronomy Research and Public Outreach
             conrec     CONREC - A Contouring Subroutine
             paper8     Steady States and Global Dynamics of Electrical Activity in the Cerebral Cortex
             iccn2007     Cortical Anatomy and the Spatiotemporal Learning Rule
             wasp2009     Visualisation @ WASP
             vsmm2010     Capturing omni-directional stereoscopic spherical projections with a single camera
             ICCN2013     Neural Field Dynamics and the Development of the Cerebral Cortex
             compdesign2014     Computational Design
             auc2011     AUC presentation, Gold Coast, Feb 2011
             csiro2016     Workshop on 3D Printing and Visualisation.
             tidman2015     Reducing ACL injury risk by standing still with zero impact perceptual (ZIP) training!
             aps2014     Fulldome Activity Report, APS2014, Melbourne planetarium, February 2014
             ecu2013     iDome: Most of what you need to know
             Lee2012     The Effects of Visual-perception on Evasive Sidestepping: Implications for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Prevention
             ozviz2012     Automated 3D Reconstruction from Photographs
             paper21     Spatial Eigenmodes and Synchronous Oscillation
             Jelinek2020     Temporal 3-dimensional spatial analysis of Centre of
             tamagawa     9th Tamagawa Dynamic Brain Forum - DBF 2005
             csse2014     Imaging and visualisation in heritage
             MSc     Masters of Science: Underwater Acoustics Signal Processing
             avrl2016     Reality in VR
             ozviz2008     Presentation of visualisation data: Adventures on the fringe.
             frontiers2013     On the dynamics of cortical development: synchrony and synaptic self-organisation
             eresearch2010     Visualisation of novel high resolution digital photography
             vsmm2007     Stereoscopy, Theory and Practice
             3dprint2014     3D printing and data visualisation: A technology briefing
             caa2013     State of the Art: advances in Australian archaeological research and communication
             LawrenceWilson1     The Panorama: Applications to Science and Heritage Visualisation
             jcs2018     How do Cortical Dynamics Organize an Anatomy of Cognition?
             shanghai     Visualisation for Science Research and Public Education
             ecu2018a     Data capture for immersive displays
             vsmm2006     Synthetic stereoscopic panoramic images
             stereophoto     Stereoscopic Photography
             ivec2008c     Realtime raytracing: Application to Visualisation
             auc2005     Using Mac OS-X to drive immersive displays for science visualisation and education
             visualneuro     Global and local symmetry of the primary visual cortex
             ei2018b     Beacon Virtua
             cgat08     Evaluating Second Life as a tool for collaborative scientific visualisation.
             dh2013     Visualisation at iVEC@UWA
             NTU2015     Enhancing research with new and emerging presentation technologies - A practical investigation
             ECU2019b     360 video
             wasp08     Tactile Visualisation: Feel your data!
             cnr08     An outline of functional self-organization in V1: synchrony, STLR and Hebb rules.
             compdesign     Computational Design
             ivec2008a     Exploiting our sense of touch for scientific visualisation
             ivec2008b     Advances in Visualisation
             beingthere     Being There
             aps2007     APS presentation, Brisbane, February 17-18 2007
             sportsg     Digital experiences
             GSTF2015     Scientific data visualisation using techniques normally reserved for more frivolous activities
             ecu2014a     3D Printing and Data Visualisation workshop
             apollony     Apollony fractal: Computers and Graphics, January 2006
             aps2016     DomeLab and EPICentre, APS2016, Melbourne planetarium, February 2014
             drone2015     Imaging with Drones
             marcus2012     Visual search differs but not reaction time when intercepting a 3D versus 2D videoed opponent.
             EPFL2019     Workshop: 3D reconstruction from photographs
             cwr2014     Novel imaging - Applications in Archaeology
             GLAM2011     GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums)
             auc     Exhibition: AUC visualisation showreel
             ecu2018     360 video
             beaconvirtua     Beacon Virtua - a virtual reality simulation detailing the recent and shipwreck history of Beacon Island
             aima2017     Beacon Virtua - A Virtual Reality Simulation Detailing the Recent and Shipwreck History of Beacon Island
             anmm2016     DomeLab workshop, ANMM
             cgat2015     Novel physical representations for the visualisation of science data and mathematics
             HIVE2     Content Creation for Dome Displays
             ozviz2007     Collecting and Creating Digital Assets for the SKA Radio Telescope Project, Boolardy
             ozviz2006     Volume Rendering with Style
             marcus2013     Effects of Different Visual Stimuli on Postures and Knee Moments During Sidestepping
             graphite2007     Digital Fulldome, Techniques and Technologies
             cgat2013workshop     Workshop: Automated 3D Model Reconstruction from Photographs
             NGLVR     Virtual Reality: A new facility at UWA
             interns2013     Introduction to Visualisation
             kuching2010     Digital fulldome for science research and public education
             wheels2004     Scientific Visualisation and Mac OS-X
             vrml     Visualising Astronomical Data using VRML
             Danca     Graphical exploration of the connectivity sets of alternated Julia sets; M, the set of disconnected alternated Julia set
             icrar2010     Tiled displays for presenting high resolution datasets
             OzViz_2012     OzViz 2012 Image exhibition
             eresearch2014     High resolution imaging: Capture, storage and access
             shipwreck2021     Shipwrecks of the Roaring Forties
             futurescience     Engaging displays for Visualisation
             spice2007     Stereoscopic projection: Applications in education
             dime2006     Immersive gaming: a low cost projection environment
             cci2014     Advanced Applications in Stereographic, Panoramic, and Fulldome Visualisation.
             domelab2010     Introduction to digital fulldome technology
             multispectral     Report: Enhancing rock art recordings through multispectral photography
             treeshrew     Intrinsic connections in Tree Shrew V1 imply a global to local mapping
             agwa     iDome and digital projection into hemispherical domes
             apac2007     APAC 2007 Visualisation Showreel
             solarenergy     Real-time spectral radiance estimation of hemispherical clear skies with machine learned regression models
             OzViz_2007     OzViz2007
             tidman2018     Look out! How do footballers' search for opponents during evasive tasks?
             curtin2012     Visualisation Technologies: Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research
             vsmm2014b     Novel imaging of heritage objects and sites.
             fractals2024     3D Rendering of the Quaternion Mandelbrot Set with Memory
             interface     Fractals and Computer Graphics
             singapore2007a     Visualisation for scientists, museums, public outreach, and education
             IJARS     Calibration and 3D Reconstruction with a Photo-Realistic Simulator Based on the Omnidirectional Vision System
             Pilbara     Pilbara rock art: laser scanning, photogrammetry and 3D photographic reconstruction as heritage management tools
             ivec2013     Photographs to models and everything in between
             hidden-attractors     Graphical Analysis of Attraction Basins of Chaotic Hidden Attractors:
             dla3d     Constrained Diffusion Limited Aggregation in 3 Dimensions
             beacon2016     Keeping it Real: Creating and Acquiring Assets for Serious Games
             curtin2013     Novel Visualisation Technologies: Projects in the Humanities
             dha2014     Automated 3D Model Reconstruction from Photographs
             beaconisland     Beacon Island Project
             vr_ivec_2011     Virtual Environments, Visualisation, Novel Displays
             OzViz2004     OzViz2004
             luxlab2014     Explorations in digital capture: 2D and 3D
             wasp08b     Exploring Second Life for collaborative visualisation.
             ecu2012     Visualisation: iVEC - ECU
             dome_ivec     Hemispherical Dome Adventures
             AUC_innovation     AUC Innovation Grant: High resolution displays using Apple hardware
             marcus2010     Stereoscopic filming for investigating evasive side-stepping and anterior cruciate ligament injury risk
             fcn2022     Unification of free energy minimization, spatiotemporal energy, and dimension reduction models of V1 organization: Postn
             planetarian1     Spherical mirror (Mirrordome):
             iDome2010     iDome workshop
             ECUVRlab     Data capture for VR
             GSTF_10     A Framework for Supporting Immersion in Commodity Gaming
             pasa2005     Future Directions in Astronomy Visualisation
             wheels2009     Immersive Environments Meet 3D Gaming
             ecu2007     Immersive environments and applications to gaming
             Lee2011     Development of an integrated 3D stereoscopic system to measure coupled perceptual-motor skill
             volvis2010     Volume Visualisation for Educational Content Creation
             rmit2016     DomeLab workshop, RMIT
             SGA2011     A practical visualization strategy for large-scale supernovae CFD simulations
             ECU2020     360 video
             immersion2015     Displays and immersion
             tidman2020     Reducing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors by training perception: How vital is maintaining the perception-
             OzViz_2006     OzViz2006
             LawrenceWilson2     Exhibition: p a n o r a m a
             SriLanka     3D model reconstruction from photographs
             aps2008     APS presentation, Perth, May 2008
             aps2013     Fulldome Activity Report, APS2013, Brisbane planetarium, April 2013
             JSG2015     Insights into the Mechanics of En-Échelon Sigmoidal Vein Formation using
             volvis2018     Volume Visualisation
             tom2009     Novel presentation of visualisation results using rapid prototypes, crystal engraving, holograms and the iDome.
             ivec2011     Science Visualisation: 2010 Intern student presentation
             gg2008     Engaging visual environments
             pasa2006     An Advanced, 3-dimensional Plotting Library for Astronomy
             magicplanet     Magic Planet display
             HET409_2004     Offaxis frustums: What are they and what are they good for?
             ozviz2011     Two Projects in 2011
             Jelinek2018     Temporal 3-dimensional spatial analysis of Centre of
             ecu2013b     Visualisation: Projects at iVEC@UWA
             jmm     Low Cost Projection Environment for Immersive Gaming
             HET409_2001     Stereographics and Immersive Environments
             agora1999     Agora Conference
             tiled     It's not an Optiportal
             Entropy     Markov Blankets and Mirror Symmetries. Free Energy Minimization and Mesocortical Anatomy
             ACN2015     Neural Field Dynamics and the Development of the Cerebral Cortex
             GC08     New approaches in 3D visualization and analysis of rocks
             eternal2011     Square Kilometer Array: The Science and Technology
             maac     Novel Imaging
             rockart_ivec     Novel image capture for rock art archaeology
             cgat2012     Immersion: The Challenge for Commodity Gaming
             paper20     Synchronous oscillation in the cerebral cortex and object coherence
             ECU2019     360 video course
             helix     Computational study of helix wave formation in active media
             visres     Contribution of lateral interactions in V1 to organization of response properties.
             dafilis     Visualising chaos in a model of brain electrical activity.
             shier2013     An Algorithm for Random Fractal Filling of Space
             ecu2017     Introduction to laboratory technology
             planetarian2     Digital Planetariums for Everyone: Astronomy Visualisation in Reflection
             auc2007     Navigable movies: A Real QuickTime VR
             interns2014     Visualisation @ iVEC
             dodsc2020     Digital Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Camera
             askap2008     ASKAP Site Visualisation
             ei2018     Multiplatform VR case study - Beacon Virtua
             jjw2012     A Model for Self-Organization of Visual Cortex Response Maps and Patchy Connections That Does Not Require Feature Catego
             interns2014b     Introduction to Visualisation
             aps2011     Fulldome Activity Report, APS, Melbourne May 2011
             paper27     Simulated Electrocortical Activity at Microscopic, Mesoscopic and Global Scales
             Lee2011b     Using a 3D integrated stereoscopic system to investigate the biomechanics of evasive sidestepping: Implications for ACL
             Jie2013     Applications of microtomography to multiscale system dynamics - visualisation, characterisation and high performance com
             complex98     Emergent symmetry of local and global maps in the primary visual cortex: Self-organisation of orientation preference.
             HET409_2002     Immersive Environments and Stereographics
             frontiers2014     Möbius-Strip-Like Columnar Functional Connections are Revealed in Somato-Sensory Receptive Field Centroids
             epfl     Everything you need to know about “fulldome”, and some more
             vsmm2014a     Automated 3D model reconstruction from photographs
             EAGE2015     Development of Digital Techniques for Mapping an Open Pit at Coolgardie
             aaa2015     Beacon Island Virtua: A Digital 3D Representation
             ozviz2009     Digital Fulldome as an Immersive Environment for Visualisation: Projects in 2009
             jelinek     Image Processing of Finite Size Rat Retinal Ganglion Cells Using Multifractal and Local Connected Fractal Analysis.
             omnistereo     Omni-directional stereoscopy
             conscript     CONSCRIPT: Journal Applied Crystallography
             bangalore2012     Digital fulldome technology for content developers
             aaa2012     Visualization Techniques and Rock Art: Advances in Analysis and Opportunities for Interpretation
             ACM2016     3D model reconstruction from photographs
             aps2012     Fulldome Activity Report, APS, Auckland planetarium, April 2012
             singapore2007b     Immersive environments and applications to visualisation
             domelab2015b     Capturing assets for fulldome
             beacon2019     Beacon Virtua: A Virtual Reality Simulation Detailing the Recent
             auc1995     Teaching Applications for World Wide Web Technology
             triangulate     Triangulate: Pan Pacific Computer Conference, Beijing, China
             joc2017     Visualising volumetric fractals
             paper19     Emergence under Hebbian learning of local maps in the primary visual cortex: Orientation Preference in the Tree Shrew
             aps2010     APS presentation, Launceston, April 2010
             fractals2023     Calculating Julia fractal sets in any embedding dimension
             ivec2013b     Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Panoramas
             MONA     Pausiris Mummy Exhibition
             tcgj     Keeping it Real: Creating and Acquiring Assets for Serious Games.
       fractals     Fractals, Chaos, Self Similarity
             curved     Construction of IFS Fractals of Specific Similarity Dimension
             filling     Filling fractals
             binocular     Binocular and guitar fractal
             twondragon     Twon dragon
             crosscarpet     Cross Carpet
             percolation     Percolation
             circlesquares     Circle Squares
             clifford     Clifford Attractors
             rings     Rings fractal
             rossler     The Rossler Attractor
             lsys     L-System manual
             burnship     Burning Ship Fractal
             phoenix_julia     Phoenix Julia
             fdpoints     Estimating fractal dimension of point datasets
             squarecoral     Square Coral
             gayla_chandler     Gasket Photography by Gayla Chandler
             spiraljulia     Spiral Julia
             polygonifs     Polygon Chaos Game (IFS)
             Zubieta     Julia variant
             henonphase     Henon Phase Diagrams
             popcorn     Popcorn
             dla     DLA - Diffusion Limited Aggregation
             sprott     Polynomial attractors
             arneodo     Arneodo attractor
             2dmap     "Having a bad hair day" attractor
             chaosgame     Chaos Game
             curlicue     Curlicue fractal
             carpet     3 ways of Creating the Sierpinski Carpet
             lyapunov     Random Attractors - Found using Lyapunov Exponents
             julia3     Cubic Julia
             polyhedral     Sierpinski Gasket
             yuwang     Yu-Wang attractor
             trianguloid     Trianguloid
             lorenz     The Lorenz Attractor, a thing of beauty
             herman     Herman Rings fractal
             treeroots     Tree root attractor
             carotid     Carotid function
             z4gasket     z4 Julia Gasket
             randomwalk     Random walk
             necklace     Antoines Necklace
             circles     Circular Infinity
             sprotta     Sprott Attractor
             tetration     Tetration fractal
             reversejulia     Adjusted probability reverse Julia
             3dmandelbrot     Quadratic Mandelbrot set in 3D
             benfordslaw     Benfords law
             oneness     Decision procedure for "oneness"
             juliaset     Julia set fractal
             mandelfactor     Five center factorization for the Mandelbrot set
             N     N attractor
             woggle     Woggle fractal
             pascaltriangle     Pascals Triangle in Gray Code, its Hadamard and IFS
             mandelpower     Mandelbrot powers
             multijulia     Multi Julia IFS
             leaves     Leaf Geometry
             GumowskiMira     Gumowski-Mira attractor
             solenoid     Solenoid fractal
             buddhabrot     The Buddhabrot
             JuanCatrian     Attractors by Juan Catrián
             squaretile     Square tile fractal
             sketch     Computer sketching
             gausmap     Gauss Map tetrahedron 3D IFS
             apollony     Apollony fractal
             danca     Danca fractal
             googleearth     Google Earth Fractals
             triangle     Reuleaux Triangle fractal
             pascalmodulo     General Pascal's triangle as a modulo sum rule
             barnsley     Barnsley Tree
             sinh     sinh() fractal
             wada     Wada basins
             stretch     Chaos and stretching/folding
             measurefcn     Measure function
             lambda     Lambda fractal
             rogerrings     Rogers Rings
             newtonraphson     Newton Raphson Fractals
             kissingcircles     Kissing Circles - Apollonian Carpet
             chenlee     Chen Lee Attractor
             ikeda     Ikeda attractor
             mrlymath     mrly fractals: Menger, Sierpinski, Cantor
             mauldin     Mauldin gasket
             insideout     Insideout Dragon
             burkeshaw     Burke-Shaw attractor
             brocolli     Brocolli fractal
             logspiral     Log Spiral fractal
             levycurve     Lévy curve
             starjulia     Star Julia
             tsucs     Den Tsucs attractor
             multimandel     Multifractal Julia fractals
             cactus     Cactus
             randomtile     Random space filling of the plane
             bulb     Mandelbulb set
             thorn     Thorn Fractal (Secant Sea)
             iabs     iabs fractal
             tripledragon     Triple Dragon Fractal
             grandcanyon     Grand Canyon Natural Fractals Presentation and Slide Notes
             randomshell     Random Shell Gaskets
             qseries     Hofstadter Q series
             alexander     Alexanders Horns
             juan2     Juan attractor
             secondlife     Representing and modelling geometry in SecondLife
             cubecount     Box counting fractal dimension of volumetric data
             lace2     Lace Julia
             linkedrings     Interlinked square tori
             nova     Nova fractal
             multifractal     Multifractal image
             lace     Lace Attractor
             fractalfield     Experimental Orthogonal Fields to Sierpinski Sets and Twin Dragons
             gingerbread     Gingerbread man
             lemon     Lemon
             quatjulia     Quaternion Julia Fractals
             coraldragon     Coral Dragon
             hypercomplex     Hypercomplex fractals
             simone     Simone fractal
             fractionalpowers     Fractional Powers
             ifs     IFS manual
             quintonion     Quintonion fractal
             sinjulia     Julia set of sin(z)
             samila     samila mappings
             simone_orbits     Simone attractor
             mandelescape     Visualising Mandelbrot Escape Trajectories
             symmetry     Fractals: a Symmetry Approach
             fracdim     Fractal Dimension Calculator, Compass dimension, Lacunarity, Multifractal spectrum,
             roger_rational     Roger's Rational rings
             chen_celi     Chen Celilovsky attractor
             star     Star fractal
             biomorph     Biomorphs
             pelham     Pelham Street Fractal
             magnet     Magnet 1
             henonmap     Henon Map
             bioblob     BioBlob
             logistic     Logistic Equation
             ca     1D Boolean Cellular Automata
             octacarpet     Octahedral Sierpinski Carpet
             colourattract     Colouring Attractors
             peterdejong     Peter de Jong
             noise     Noise, Perlin, 1/f Noise, Modelling planets
             marek     Marek Dragon
             penrose_kite     Penrose kite fractal
             povfrac     POVRay Fractal Raytracing Contest
             cubicjulia     Cubic Julia
             trifraction     Rational fractals
             volumetric     Volumetric fractals
             grinchdragon     Grinch dragon
             henonattractor     Henon IFS
             mandelbrot     The Mandelbrot at a glance
             bouali     Bouali Attractor
             duffing     Duffing Attractor
             quaternion_trig     Quaternion fractals based upon trigonometry functions
             attract3d     Attractors in 3D for VR viewing
             trajectories     3D volumetric fractal trajectories
             septagon     Spiral Septagon
             wallpaper     Wallpaper
             crown     Fractal Crown
             midjourney     Midjourney fractals
             mosley     Mosely Snowflake
             tippetts     John Tippetts Mandelbrot variation
             peano_basin     Peano Basin
             fracintro     An Introduction to Fractals
             symmetryinchaos     Symmetry in Chaos, Symmetric Chaos, Symmetric icons
             fourwing     Four wing attractor
             inversetree     Inverse tree
       fun     Fun, Puzzles, Travel
             rockshelter     Rock shelters, Western Australia
             walkdistance     Walking distance puzzle
             transitvenus     Syzygy: Transit of Venus
             leonids     Leonids 2001 Live!
             secondlife_uwa     UWA @ SecondLife
             pyramidfall     Falling pyramid
             4444     4444 problem
             Boolardy     Boolardy Photographic Archive
             Wanmanna2014     Wanmanna 2014
             homeloan     Westpac silliness
             marine     2.5km deep
             albert     Albert park air raid shelters
             Ballarat     Battarat Architecture
             fittoy     Fitting Puzzle or Solid Constructive Geometry
             Diamantina     Diamantina River complex
             patent     Wacky Patent of the Month (Nov. 1996): U.S. Patent 3,216,423
             illusion     Illusions
             bangalore     A snapshot of Bangalore, India
             itunesscam     iTunes Gift Card Scam
             Mah_Meri     Mah Meri Archive
             golfpuzzle     Golf Ball Pyramid Puzzle
             westangeles     West Angeles rock shelters, Western Australia
             CaveHill     Cave Hill
             hkcity     krpano - hotel window
             shanghai     Impressions of Shanghai, China
             Weld     Weld Range rock shelter, Western Australia
             heaven     Heaven is hotter than hell
             Venice     Visitor, Venice, Italy
             Mosque     Historical mosques and associated tombs of New Delhi
             Shenzhen     Shenzhen: Image gallery
             Terengganu     Photographic impressions of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
             eclipse     Total Lunar Eclipse (2000)
             birds     Birds in Denmark, WA
             racingmuseum     Star | Virtual tour generated by Panotour
             Seoul     Seoul (South Korea) in half a day
             twoheads     Two headed turtle
             solar_eclipse_2002     Solar Eclipse 2002
             AppleCare     Does AppleCare about the Environment?
             Russia     Happy snaps - St Petersburg, Russia
             phnom_penh     Phnom Penh TukTuk Photographic Album
             dronefun     Fun with a Drone
             kk     Kota Kinabalu
             mysteryobjects     What are these mystery objects?
             SfM_fun     SfM fun
             AstralNadir     The pavement art of "Astral Nadir"
             Endeavour     Endeavour: Rottenest - Fremantle
             goodstein     Goodstein's Theorem
             Thailand     Travel Photographs in Thailand, 2019
             wallart     Sydney Wall art, murals, street painting, graffiti
             calculus     Calculus fun
             pigeonisland     Pigeon Island, Western Australia
             box     Geometric interpretation Illusion
             saltlakes     Australias Pink Lakes
             Manipal     Passing travellers photo-gallery of Manipal and surrounding areas
             rotomahana     Rotomahana, New Zealand
             Beacon     Beacon Island
             xian     Impression of Xi'an
             Turkey     Visitor, Turkey
             toruscut     Torus slices
             skytower     Auckland Harrah SkyTower, SkyCity Photo Gallery
             beijing     Beijing (Bi/Tri)-Cycle Gallery
             waves     Make Waves not Water
             Ngintaka     Ngintaka Archive
             cortex     Outline of human cortex in the Western Australia desert
             pinnacles     Pinnacles, Western Australia
             kuching     Visitor, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
             rocking     Worlds largest rocking horse
             India     Travel Photographs from India, 2018
             dragongardens     Dragon Gardens, Hong Kong
       miscellaneous     Miscellaneous: projection, modelling, rendering
             slitscan     Slit Scan Images
             scc5     POVRay Short Code Contest, Round 5
             uview     An evaluation of a user controlled exploration of a 3D environment
             edgeblend     Edge blending using commodity projectors
             filter     Fourier method of designing digital filters
             Rodenstock     X-ray lens photography
             crosspolarisation     Cross polarisation in photography
             xbox     Xbox and multi player installation
             astronomy     Representations in Astronomy
             peppersghost     Peppers ghost
             fountains     Enlivening fountains
             hazyprimes     Hazy Primes
             mars     Mars zoom from 1/8 degree data
             numbers     Miscellaneous numbers
             photomosaic     Photomosaics for high resolution image capture
             lens     Lenses. Field of view and focal length
             raytracing     Raytracing topics
             correlate     Cross Correlation
             renderexamples     Spiral Vase by Dennis Miller
             Waldram     Waldram Diagrams
             trace     Trace - experiment in rendering point fields
             highresscan     High resolution scans of paintings
             meshanimator     Mesh Animator Utility
             imagefilter     Image Filtering in the Frequency Domain
             picoprojectors     Pico Projector Fun
             interpolation     Interpolation methods
             gqstats     Visualisation of HPC queue statistics
             imagewarp     Image warping
             glvol     Hardware accelerated volume rendering
             Drishti_intro1     Transferring slice data to Drishti
             sonogram     Sonograms
             fluid     Fluid Simulation
             ffmpeg     ffmpeg, convert (imagemagick), exiftool, krpano, vips and MeshLab crib sheet
             composite     Image Compositing
             witilt     WiTilt 3 axes accelerometer
             visiblehuman     Visible Human
             macroseedpod     Macro Photography of Western Australia seed pods
             universe     Visualising the Universe
             mathlib     Math Library
             venus     ....and Venus was her name...
             scc3     POVRay Short Code Contest, Round 3
             colourspace     Colour spaces
             earth     Visualising the Earths crust and oceans
             macrophotography     Macro Photography with Reversed Lenses
             determinant     Determinant of a square matrix
             asteroid     Asteroid
             resolution     Notes on Resolution
             ar     Auto-regression (AR)
             pulsarsound     Sonification of pulsars (Listening to pulsars)
             reverseperspective     Experiments in Reverse Perspective
             pview     PVIEW: Real-time interactive visualisation for large point datasets
             crystalengraving     Data visualisation in crystal
             simsun     simsun: simulator for the design of solar heaters
             diffusion     A simple model of diffusion
             vrml     VRML testing
             focusstacking     Focus Stacking and Image Mosaicking
             particle     Particle system example
             rapidproto     3D printing, rapid prototyping
             windows     Windows
             mirrors     Mirrors and raytracers
             askap_walk     ASKAP Walk About
             crystalball     Crystal ball photography examples from the University of Western Australia
             meshviewer     meshviewer
             dsfm     Discrete Stepped Frequency Modulated Chirp
             stitching     Photostitching ad-hoc photographs: examples
             fftsoftware     Software: DFT, FFT
             solver     Solving systems defined by differential equations
             leastsquare     Least Squares
             ECUGallery     ECU Gallery
             meanvar     Mean and Variance
             frustum     Frustum culling
             reb     Royal Exhibition Building Model, Melbourne, Australia
             dangerous     Dangerous data
             scc4     POVRay Short Code Contest, Round 4
             plants     Computer representation of plant structures
             networkorder     Organising unstructured networks
             moon     Moon topology data
             equalisation     Histogram Matching
             volsample     Volume rendering examples
             parallaxerror     Parallax error
             imageprocess     Various Simple Image Processing Techniques
             gigapixel     Examples of gigapixel photography
             qtvrobject     QuickTime VR Object capture
             automation     Exhibition automation capabilities built into MacOSX
             functions     Miscellaneous functions
             Beacon     Beacon virtual environment
             terrainvis     Terrain Visualisation
             registration     Registration for HDR image alignment
             shapeanalysis     Fourier Outline Analysis
             canon65     Macro photography with the Canon MP-E 65mm
             zendai     Exhibition: Deep Space - Zendai Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai
             random     Uniform random number generator
             OpenGL     Topics in OpenGL
             molecule     Representing and rendering molecular structures
             dash     Virtual Dashboard Environments
             dft     Fast Fourier Transform
             vr_rockshelter     Rock shelter virtual environments
             kinect     Initial tests with the Kinect
             cortex     Approaches to Modelling the Surface of the Human Cortex
             architecture     Computer Rendering and Visualisation Techniques
             iPhone     iPhone and iPodTouch projects
             povexamples     Various POVRay Related Material
             gausselim     Gaussian Elimination
       geometry     Geometry, Surfaces, Curves, Polyhedra
             chrysanthemum     Chrysanthemum Curve
             whitney     Whitney Umbrella
             fish     Fish surface
             benthorns     Bent Horns
             orbital     P1 atomic orbital
             tubey     Tubey
             cayley     Cayley surface
             circlesphere     Circle, Cylinder, Sphere
             kappa     Kappa Curve
             animated_tiles     Animated tiles
             crosshole     Cross Hole
             verrill     Enneper- Weierstrass Minimal Surface
             rotate     Rotate about an arbitrary axis (3 dimensions)
             reuleaux     Reuleaux Triangle
             ghostplane     Ghost Plane
             polygonmesh     Polygons, Meshes
             tiling     Tiling Textures on the Plane
             steiner     Steiner surface
             gayla_chandler     Polyhedra Photography by Gayla Chandler
             tractrix     Tractrix Based Minimal
             polyhedra     Uniform Polyhedra (80)
             timestar     TimeStar
             polygonise     Polygonising a scalar field (Marching Cubes)
             spline     Spline Surface
             nodal     Nodal Surface
             SolidAngle     Solid angle of a pixel
             Trisagita     Trisagita tiling
             2d3dtiles     2D tiling by slicing in 3D
             kleincycloid     Klein Cycloid, Banchoff's Kleinbottle
             deltoid     Deltoid
             mullen     McMullen K3 model
             nose     Nose
             star_polar     Astersphaira - Polarsphaira
             glissette     Glissette
             bicorn     Bicorn curve
             chair     Chair surface
             chainmail     Chainmail
             meta     Mathematics of the Meta logo
             spacefill     Parallelogram
             cylinders     Intersecting cylinders
             polycuts     Build your own Polyhedra
             fanoplanes     Roger Bagula
             spherical     Of spherical nature
             bour     Bour minimal surface
             quadric     Quadrics
             folium     Folium
             limacon     Limacon
             heart     Heart surfaces
             conic     Conic sections
             slipper     Slippers
             hexdrum     Hexagonal dum
             cardioid     Cardioid
             richmond     Richmond Minimal Surface
             gerhard     Gerhard Miehlich
             catalan     Catalan Minimal Surface
             handkerchief     Handkerchief Surface
             astroid     Astroid
             tilingplane     Tiling the plane, periodic and aperiodic
             piva     Piva surface
             weaving     Weaving
             pseudosphere     Pseudosphere
             snail     Snail Surface
             cayleysextic     Cayleys Sextic
             sphericalnephroid     Spherical Nephroid
             pilz     Pilz surface
             lemniscape     Implicit Minimal Lemnescate
             twistplane     Twisted Plane
             chladni     Chladni plate interference surfaces
             dircosine     Direction cosines
             harmonograph     Harmonograph
             devil     Devil surface
             mitre     Mitre surface
             crosscap     Cross cap
             transformationprojection     Miscellaneous Transformations and Projections
             fowler     Fowler Angles
             3dfill     Filling a 3D volume with ellipsoids, and other shapes
             helicoid     Helicoid Minimal Surface
             durehedron     Dürehedron
             decocube     Decocube surface
             tranguloid     Tranguloid Trefoil
             sphericalh     Spherical Harmonics
             kampyle     Kampyle of Eudoxus
             butterfly     Butterfly Curve
             Rhombic_triacontahedron     Rhombic Triacontahedron
             doublecone     Double Cone
             toroidal     Toroidal Nature
             cissoiddiocles     Cissoid of Diocles
             borg     Borg surface
             pointlineplane     Point, Line, Plane
             boy     Boy Surface
             twistedheart     Twisted heart
             conchoidnicomedes     Conchoid of Nicomedes
             tricurves     Tiling with TriCurves
             agnesi     Agnesi curve
             spiral     Spiral Nature
             networks     Polygonal tilings
             teardrop     Modelling a Tear Drop
             owl     Maeder's Owl
             jet     Jet surface
             hyperbola     Hyperbola
             twistedfano     Projection of the finite Fano Projective Plane onto a Surface
             orthocircle     Orthocircle surface
             sphericaltile     Spherical tiles
             bezier     Bezier Surface
             hypocycloid     Hypocycloid
             henneburg     Henneburg Minimal Surface
             tetraellipse     Tetrahedral Ellipse
             scherk     Scherk Minimal Surface
             kuen     Kuen Surface
             kusnerschmitt     Kusner-Schmitt
             blobbie     Hunt surface
             mecon     Mecon (truncated octahedron) Tiles
             Rhombicuboctahedron     Small Rhombicuboctahedron
             bow2d     Bow curve (2D)
             borromean     Borromean Rings
             platonic     Platonic solids (Regular polytopes in 3D)
             monkey     Monkey Saddle
             blob     The Blob
             epicycloid     Epicycloid
             stiletto     Stiletto
             swallow     Swallow
             sextic     Sextic
             lemniscatebernoulli     Lemnescate of Bernoulli
             love_heart     Love Heart Curve
             strophoid     Strophoid surface
             hyperboloid     Hyperboloid
             barth     Barth Sextic
             viviani     Viviani Curve
             bifolia     Bifolia surface
             hunt     Hunt surface
             hyperspace     HyperSpace
             pseudocatenoid     Pseudocatenoid
             supershape     Supershapes / SuperFormula
             representation     POV-Ray: A Tool for Creating Engaging Visualisation of Geometry
             cube     The cube
             waterman     Waterman Polyhedra
             tetrakaidecahedron     Tetrakaidecahedron and Pyritohedron
             plexagon     Plexagon - Pleated Hexagon
             triaxtear     Triaxial Teardrop
             weird     Weird
             triaxial     Twisted Triaxial
             maclaurintrisectrix     Trisectrix of Maclaurin
             truchet     Truchet Tiling
             cycloid     Cycloid curve
             catenoid     Catenoid Minimal Surface
             diamond     Diamond
             dform     dForm
             cushion     Cushion
             randomvector     Uniform vector on sphere given rotation angles
             calabi_yau     Calabi-Yau
             ennepers     Ennepers
             ellipsecirc     Circumference of an Ellipse and approximation using arcs
             freethsnephroid     Freeths Nephroid
             tritrumpet     Tritrumpet
             witch     Witch Hat
             barthdecic     Barth Decic
             kidney     Kidney Surface
             reflected     Calculating reflected ray
             pillow     Pillow shape
             knots     Knots
             parabola     Parabola
             nephroid     Nephroid
             Islamic     Islamic Mathematical Art
             sphericalcardioid     Spherical Cardioid
             gerono     Lemnescate of Gerono
             implicitsurf     Implicit surfaces
       stereographics     Stereographics, 3D projection
             hologram     Synthetic dynamic hologram
             stereoimage     Stereo pair image format
             ghosting     Stereoscopic ghosting correction
             ozviz2003     Ozviz 2003
             tilestereo     High resolution omnidirectional stereo panorama imaging and tiled displays
             ODSPmaths     Omni-Direction Stereoscopic Panoramas
             rabbit     Reconstructing temple engravings from stereo pairs
             siggraphasia2013     Capture of Omni-Directional Stereoscopic Panoramic Images
             OzViz2014     OzViz 2014 poster
             anaglyph     Anaglyphs
             2wall     2 Wall stereoscopic projection
             vpac     Portable Stereoscopic projection
             hiresODSP     Capturing high resolution stereoscopic panorama images
             vroom     VCV (VROOM - Virtual ROOM)
             motor     Nano-Molecular Motors
             stereofisheye     Stereoscopic fisheye projection into an upright dome
             stereo_error     Spatial errors in stereoscopic displays
             national_museum     To Mars and Beyond
             stereorecord     Stereoscopic filming
             Canon_RF_dual_fisheye     Canon RF 5.2mm f/2.8L Dual Fisheye lens + VR180 Fallacy
             ieeevr     Virtual Immersion. Simulating Immersive Experiences in VR
             stereopanoramic     Stereoscopic Panoramics
             stereorender     Calculating Stereo Pairs
             torquedemo     Torque: Stereoscopic display and motion tracking modifications
             glgraph     OpenGL 3D Graphing
             LookingGlass     Adventures with the LookingGlass Portrait
             Unitystereo     Create side-by-side stereo pairs in the Unity game engine
             stereo2     Stereo2 - Stereoscopic geometry viewer
             surfanim     Surface Animator
             passive     Passive Stereographics
             blueline     Blue line, frame sequential stereo
             qtplayer     Using QuickTime to present stereoscopic movies
             stereoprints     Editing historical stereoscopic prints
             ipodphoto     IPOD-Photo Stereoscope
             stereosetup     Three common options for passive stereoscopic systems.
             OzViz2013     OzViz 2013 posters
             glslides     Stereo slide viewer
             meshalign     Mesh alignment for stereoscopic projection
             pano_align     pano_align: a tool and work flow for editing stereoscopic panorama film
             pulfrich     Binocular Imbalance and Depth Perception in Visual Display Systems
             tmag     TMAG - Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery
             lenticular     Autostereoscopic lenticular images
             stereo2023     Editing historical stereoscopic prints
             pointanim     Point animator
             povcameras     Additional cameras, mostly stereoscopic, for PovRay
             depthq     DepthQ projector evaluation
             stereofish2persp     Extracting stereo pairs from 180 VR cameras
             Graphite     Exhibition: Stereoscopic showreel at the Graphite 2004 Electronic Theatre International Conference on Computer Graphics
             stereoinstall     Stereoscopic Installations
             autostereoscopic     Glasses free stereoscopic presentation: A selective review
       reconstruction     Photography based 3D modelling, reconstruction, laser scanning and photogrammetry
             perthcapture     Capturing Perth and Western Australia
             reconstructionphoto     Guiding notes for photographing for 3D reconstruction
             image_quality     3D reconstruction: A study of the effect of resolution and colour
             eresearch2015     Photography based 3D reconstruction for archaeology and heritage recordings
             humanscan     3D Reconstruction of a human body
             eResau2012     Automatic reconstruction of 3D geometry from photographs
             depthmap2     Creating depth maps using Povray
             pathology     Report on the 3D reconstruction of preserved organs within glass containers
             photoscantutorial     Workflow for reconstruction using PhotoScan: Beginners guide
             deshadow     Shadow removal
             laserscandata     Representations of laser scan data
             Songlines     Contributions to Songlines Exhibition, National Museum of Australia
             reconrepeat     Repeatability of reconstructed models
             humanscan2     3D Reconstruction of a human body
             portfolio     3D reconstruction from photographs (photogrammetry) portfolio
             HosierLn     Hosier Ln, Melbourne
             seg2014     Development of Digital Techniques for Open Pit Mapping, Coolgardie, Western Australia
             depthmap     Creating 3D engravings by manually painting depth maps
             macro3d     Extreme Macro 3D Reconstruction
             painting     Reconstructing knife/brush strokes on oil paintings
             reconaccuracy     Reconstruction accuracy
             fieldrender     "Field rendering" of laser scan point clouds
             mreconstruction     3D reconstruction models from photographs
             lasermapping     Plans and elevations from Laser Scans
             cloudcompare     Workflow for comparing two reconstructed meshes
             depthmap4     Depth map example derived from stereoscopic image pairs
             largescale     Large scale 3D reconstruction
             obj2pov     PhotoScan to PovRay Animation
             3dscanning     3D scanning - a Summary
             impossible     Taking the impossible photograph
             depthmap3     Creating depth maps from focus stacking
             laservs3d     Report: Comparing laser scanning to 3D reconstruction
       panorama     Panorama, 360 video
             Lamphun     Lamphun, Thailand
             skyfill     Filling in the sky on drone generated equirectangular panoramas
             360pipeline     Typical pipeline for 360 video processing
             360x180     Two dimensional representations of 360x180 degree images or video
             pano2sphere     Converting a cylindrical panorama to an equirectangular projection
             inversepano     Inverse Panorama, or Object Panorama
             LePicotin     Piano Room
             cylinder     Cylindrical projection
             gopromax2sphere     GoPro MAX 360 Action Cam movie layout/format
             webmerc2sphere     Converting Web Mercator projection to equirectangular
             paintedpanoramas     Panorama Paintings
             cubemaps     Converting to/from cubemaps
             cylmapper     Projection simulation for cylindrical displays
             sphere2persp     Converting an equirectangular image to/from a perspective projection
             askap_spice     ASKAP / SPICE
             fountain     Melbourne fountain
             timelapsepano     Chronopanorama (Time lapse panoramas)
             Bedsacave07a     krpano - Bedsacave07a
             Lenyadri     krpano - Lenyadricave06
             stellariumsphere     Creating equirectangular projections using Stellarium
             FGS15     krpano - FGS15
             360fun     From the series 101 fun things to do with a 360 video camera
             vpano     Vertical Panoramas, also known as the "vertorama"
             Tiantong     krpano - China_giga18
             Sheshan_Qixia     krpano - China_giga3
             mappinglongthin     Mapping long thin images into higher dimensions
             mirrorcameras     Mirror based 360 cameras
             mirrors     Mirror effects for 360 viewing
             MurtenStory     Murten Panorama Scanning Project - "the making of"
             360video     360 Video Projects
             celestiasphere     Creating equirectangular projections using Celestia
             garminfun     Fun with the Garmin VIRB
             googlesphere     Creating equirectangular projections using GoogleEarth
             icosahedral     Creating unwrapped icosahedral maps
             pimax     Reverse mapping VR display projections
             hanart     Photographic contribution to exhibition in Hong Kong
             Yagan     Cylindrical 360 degree screen in Yagan Square, Perth
             Manmondi     krpano - Manmondicave40
             sphere2pano     Converting an equirectangular image to a cylindrical panoramic projection
             objequirectangular     Creating equirectangular projection for multipass rendering, eg: Unity3D
             sphericalpano     Workflow for creating 360 spherical (Equirectangular) panoramas
             Ayutthaya     krpano - Ayutthaya
             equifloor     Converting an equirectangular image to a cylindrical panoramic projection
             Wanalirri     Wanalirri
             sphere2sphere     Converting an equirectangular image into another equirectangular image, and other projections
             Sheshan2     krpano - China_giga4
             LucyCamera     Processing images from the Lucy 360 degree video camera
             FGS10     krpano - giga10
             epfl2019     360 Video Projects
             littleplanet     "Little Planet" examples from the University of Western Australia
             youtubeformat     YouTube 360 video format

Papers, Presentations, WorkshopsGeometry, Surfaces, Curves, PolyhedraFractals, Chaos, Self similarityDomes, Planetariums, Fisheye, Spherical MirrorStereographics, 3D ProjectionPanorama, 360 VideoPhotographic ReconstructionMiscellaneous: Projection, Modelling, RenderingData Formats: 3D, Audio, ImageTexture LibraryFun, Puzzles, Travel
(All pages in one place)

Digitising the Murten Panorama. The story behind the highest resolution scan of an artwork.Markov Blankets and Mirror Symmetries.... Focus Peaking - An AlgorithmVertical PanoramasSymmetry in ChaosDome Projection and Calibration for Offaxis Fisheye LensesTools for Spherical Mirror Projection

The contents of this web site are © Copyright Paul Bourke or a third party contributor where indicated. You may print or save an electronic copy of parts of this web site for personal use, permission must be sought for any other use.